Our families

our families share their experiences

“Our Son, Brother, Uncle, died by his own hand on 10/06/22 – the hardest day in our lives. When I met Codi and her husband at the Anoka Suicide Grief Group, I was devasted by our loss. We Saw The Light was there right when I needed them most and I will be eternally grateful for all that you have done for our family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”


Michael's Mom

We’ve walked alongside 39 families since November 2021 and have welcomed many more into our Private Facebook Group. We are truly  honored to bring some light to their darkness.

– Everyone at We Saw The Light

Interested in sharing your testimonial whether you are a family we have walked alongside or someone who we have impacted in any manner, please click here to

“My heart was breaking more and more after every second of living in the reality my son decided to remove himself from our world. We Saw The Light reached out to me and listened. They provided a safe place for me to express my feelings in a very nonjudgmental space. I was lost. I was and still am trying to figure what’s next for mine and my daughter’s life. After eight months of my son, now our angel, We Saw The Light staff are still there, supporting, comforting, and providing understanding every step of this unbearable journey. I’m so grateful for Codi and what she’s created for us suicide survivors.”


Will's Mom

“I lost my 22 year old son Monte to suicide on Tuesday, July 26, 2022. After the funeral insanity ended, all of the mourners returned to their homes, and all of the flowers died too, the silence was deafening & the loneliness unbearable. Seemingly out of nowhere came We Saw The Light & Codi brought the light. She humbly asked if she could support our family through our first year of grief. I was dumbfounded, for who in their right mind would willingly step into someone’s life at a time such as this? The answer, was someone who had experienced the darkness of suicide, the deafening silence and the unbearable loneliness. Codi & everyone at We Saw The Light are miraculously on time…each month, on the 26th (the date that Monte died of suicide) each member of our family receives a small, thoughtful & perfect gift. It really COULD be an empty box, it’s not about WHAT is sent, it’s the thought that we’re being remembered during this time of obscene & inconceivable sorrow, that we’re being thought of & cared for on THIS date that is now forever burned into my brain & heart and not for a good reason. I loathe the 26th & Tuesdays. However I know that We Saw The Light will reach out to me, my husband, my daughter (25) & my son (19) to help us get through the hard moments, the hard days, the hard weeks; Monte’s birthday, OUR birthdays and then eventually his 1 year anniversary. This year of ‘firsts’ has been brutal, and we’re just barely at the 6 month mark…but having Codi to lean on has made such an enormous impact on my life & the lives of my children. As a mother, I could never repay her or say ‘Thank You’ enough for supporting my children as they mourn their sibling. My children’s loss is just as valid as mine; it’s different, but just as important to be honored. We Saw The Light understands that nuance and respects & speaks to the sibling loss. My kids have felt so honored, included, seen, heard & understood by We Saw The Light. There’s no possible way for my husband & I to adequately show our gratitude. This beautiful ministry that Codi began in honor of her deceased husband, has the potential to impact SO many. Suicide can be contagious…Codi’s work sees to it that it is not. For when you know you’re thought of & cared for, you’re less apt to want to die yourself. Itzhak Stern (in ‘Schindler’s List’) said, ‘Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.’ I believe that Codi has saved the world entire, many times over…without even realizing it.”


Erica Fellner

Grieving Mama of Monte